Trail Etiquette

The trails are shared by hikers, runners, birdwatchers, snowshoers, anglers and hunters of various ages and abilities. Following these guidelines helps everyone enjoy the trails, keeps the trails in great shape and minimizes our impact on the wilderness and its wildlife residents.

  • Respect other users
  • Leave no trace. Pack out everything you pack in, including dog poop bags (and litter you might find on the trail).  Bury any human waste or toilet paper, well away from the trail and any water source. 
  • Never feed or approach wildlife. 
  • Leave what you find. Please leave natural and archeological artifacts where you find them and avoid damaging any trees or plants.
  • Stay on marked trails. The trail runs through ecologically sensitive barrens and other fragile habitats. The trail has been carefully routed to avoid wet and especially vulnerable areas where possible. Short cuts and ‘braids’ cause navigational confusion and damage the natural environment unnecessarily. Keeping the trail narrow is better for the shrubs, lichen and trees, and preserves what we all come here to enjoy. Go through puddles, not around them. Trampling the area around a puddle makes the puddle and disturbed area wider. Try to avoid hiking on sensitive, muddy trails.  Deep ruts and footprints trap water and can accelerate trail erosion. 
  • Do not alter trail or add trails. CLWA works hard to maintain positive relationships with the provincial government, including only building trails they approve. Unsanctioned alterations and trails compromise this. They may also harm the environment if not built and routed properly.
  • Motorized vehicles of any kind are not permitted on the trails
  • Many dogs make good trail companions, but be respectful of wildlife and other trail users. Keep your dog in sight and under control at all times. If you encounter a problem dog and want to report it, call 311 or visit the HRM website. Call 911 in an emergency. 

Visit the Leave No Trace website for great information about being respectful of nature in your outdoor recreation pursuits.


Camping is legal in the Wilderness Area, however there are no officially sanctioned sites, no campsite maintenance or amenities. Leave no Trace principles must be followed to help preserve and protect this important natural environment.


There is a high risk of forest fire in this area, and devastating fires have occurred here in the past. Please refrain from open fires and use a stove or fire dish instead. If you do have a fire, ensure there are no branches overhead and ensure your fire is completely out before you go to sleep or leave the site. Be aware of the current forest fire index

Hunting and Trapping

Hunting and trapping are permitted within this Wilderness Area. Deer hunting season typically runs from the late October to early December and hunting is now permitted on some Sundays. Check the government website if you are unsure. 


There are multi-day wilderness canoe trips that travel through the Waverley-Salmon River Long lake Wilderness Area. A section of the Crowbar Lake Trails (Salmon River Trail) doubles as a portage trail. The canoe route map created by local paddler Tristan Glen provides information on these routes.