

The Crowbar Lake Wilderness Association (CLWA) is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization responsible for the construction, stewardship and maintenance of the Crowbar Lake trails since the spring of 2021. Our mandate and responsibilities as Trail Manager are authorized through a Trail Management Agreement with the Province of Nova Scotia. Our work is only possible with the generous support of volunteers, donors, grants and fundraising.  If you love the trails, we’d greatly appreciate your support.

The Crowbar Lake trail system was developed by the Porters Lake and Myra Road Wilderness Area Association. They did an excellent job creating and maintaining the trail system from 2005 until March 2021 when they transferred responsibilities to the Crowbar Lake Wilderness Association. Our thanks and appreciation to all who have been part of creating and caring for these much-loved trails.


The Myra Road trailhead and first several hundred metres of trail are located on provincial Crown land (managed by the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables). The remainder of the trail is located within the Waverley-Salmon River Long Lake Wilderness Area, designated under the Wilderness Areas Protection Act and under the jurisdiction of Nova Scotia Environment and Climate Change. 

Part of the watershed that feeds Lake Major, the main water supply for Dartmouth is contained within this wilderness area. The southern part of the wilderness area, including West Lake and Granite Lake and the Salmon River can be accessed via the Crowbar Lake hiking trails. Most of the remainder of the wilderness area may be accessed by canoeing and portaging, with starting points on Lake Major, Aerotech Drive, or Salmon River Road. 

Please review the Province’s Keep it Wild brochure for guidance on wilderness area standards and safe recreation.

For information on the Protected Areas Program call 902-424-2117 or visit the NSECC pages for Waverley – Salmon River Long Lake Wilderness Area and other Protected Areas.